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Between 2016 and 2021, the NSPCC helped to make over 6.6 million children safer from abuse. But we can't do it alone - we need your help.

No child should suffer abuse. Struggling with devastating trauma, violence and neglect is too much for children. They are lonely and frightened, and the scars can last a lifetime. The NSPCC know that half a million children a year suffer abuse in the UK. That means 7 children in a classroom experience abuse before they turn 18. While more and more children are being put at risk by new dangers in the world around them.

This must change. At home, in school, or online, every child deserves to be safe and happy. With your support, we can protect children today and prevent abuse tomorrow. Every day, NSPCC helplines and frontline staff are giving hope to children who feel desperate or invisible. Listening to their worries and fears, we act immediately whenever a child is in danger. They make sure that local teachers, police, and social services are ready to keep children safe too. By changing the law and speaking out about threats to children, we can stop abuse before it starts.

The NSPCC helps millions of children through Childline and school visits, and they know how to protect children from harm. They are in every local community, and will keep fighting for young people whatever the future brings.

It is only thanks to the generosity of supporters that the NSPCC are able to deliver their vital services, and to campaign for change. 90% of funding comes from donations.

Support means that they can be there for every child. Because of supporters, they are on the phone, online, in classrooms, whenever and wherever children need them. In the face of new challenges, we can help create a safer world around them.

Together we can change children’s lives. Together we can stop abuse.


What’s next?

Together, we can stop child abuse and neglect. Read about their vision and impact goals for the next 10 years and find out how you can help the NSPCC achieve them here.

How is your money spent?

Around 75p in every £1 donated is spent on children and young people. Donations, fundraising, and campaigning helps the NSPCC to reach millions of children and young people with advice, information, and service. Find out more here.

For more information please contact:
NSPCC | Childline | 0800 1111 | Helpline | 0808 800 5000