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We are the Rebuilding Childhoods Board

The Rebuilding Childhoods Board (RC Board) is an NSPCC Fundraising Board, a collective of external volunteers that support the NSPCC by contributing our time and leveraging our invaluable connections for strategic purposes. Together we are committed to helping the NSPCC fight for every childhood.


Each day, the NSPCC helplines and frontline staff are giving hope to children who may otherwise feel desperate or invisible. They lend compassionate ears to their worries and fears, immediately taking action whenever a child is in danger. Whenever a child finds the courage to reach out to Childline and confide in us, we will be there for them any time of the day or night. Moreover, when concerned adults express worries about a child's well-being, our NSPCC helpline promptly acts upon those concerns, ensuring the safety of vulnerable children. When children and families are grappling with the aftermath of abuse, our frontline teams extend personalised support from our regional hubs, tailoring it to their specific needs.


By the NSPCC working to change the law and speaking out about threats to children, the RC Board can support preventing abuse before it starts. Every school-age child will know what abuse looks like and how to reach out for help, thanks to their NSPCC-supported nationwide assemblies, workshops, and teacher training. All children will be able to play and learn safely online, because the NSPCC will keep demanding new laws and safeguards that stop abusers in their tracks. With each passing generation, our society will grow stronger and safer, equipped to tackle new challenges by drawing upon our shared goodwill and deep concern for the well-being of children.


The RC Board works together, using our diverse expertise and expansive networks from various professional domains to raise funds for the NSPCC. We employ a range of dynamic fundraising techniques, from corporate initiatives to charity events, major gift campaigns, and promoting awareness of carefully selected causes. As a Board, we prioritise fundraising for specific NSPCC services that we feel particularly passionate about. Currently, the Board supports the NSPCC's vital post-sexual abuse therapy services, including the Lighthouse and Letting the Future In.


To find out more about the NSPCC, the RC Board, the NSPCC services the Board supports, as well as how to get involved, navigate using the tabs on the left-hand side of the website or contact